Sage Wilson Sage Wilson

Subminimum wage-a-vu

No matter what the minimum wage is, no matter what minimum wage increase is up for discussion, and no matter where in the country it’s happening, restaurant industry lobbyists always make the same old tired argument: the industry simply cannot swallow a wage increase without destroying businesses, and perhaps causing locusts to descend.

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Sage Wilson Sage Wilson

Inflation and Seattle’s minimum wage phase-in

Higher-than expected inflation has dramatically lowered the real value of the phase-in rates. In fact, workers paid the subminimum wage are being paid less this year in inflation-adjusted dollars than in 2021.

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Sage Wilson Sage Wilson

MLK Labor Statement on Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers

With the ordinance withdrawn, Seattle’s minimum wage law will provide a long-awaited raise to tens of thousands of workers next year, providing a major influx of consumer spending that will help local businesses. Labor and community organizations are happy to participate in a stakeholder process to find ways for the city to support small businesses struggling with inflation, commercial rents, and predatory competition from large chains.

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